Do I hit 15 vs a 10

Do I hit 15 vs a 10

Do you hit on 15 against a 10

In a double- or multi-deck game, if your 15 consists of an 8-7, hit against a dealer 10 upcard (rather than surrender). In all games, if your 16 is multi-card or the result of a pair split, stand against a dealer's 10 upcard instead of hit.

Do you hit 16 against a 10

Consider these numbers: When playing with a six-deck shoe, standing with a hard 16 against a 9, 10 or ace will lose about 77 percent of the time. Under the same conditions, hitting on a hard 16 against a 9, 10 or ace will lose about 74 percent of the time.

Do you hit 17 against a 10

It is best to hit when holding a hand of 10 or 12-16, and stand on anything 17 and over. An ace gives you a good chance of making 21 with a hit. When a dealer has a seven, eight or nine card it is impossible for them to make a blackjack, so your chances increase.

Should you double down with an ace

Here's a pretty obvious one: never double down when the dealer is showing an ace. Quite simply, the chances of them getting blackjack are just too high. Even if they check and don't have blackjack, there's a very good chance that they'll end up with a total close to 21.

Should you hit on a 15

Question: “When should I hit on my 15” Sam says: “Always hit a hard 15 when the dealer's up-card is a 7 through an ace. If you stand on that 15, you will win 25.36 percent of the time and lose 74.64 percent of the time. That makes a net loss of 49.28 percent.

Should I hit 15 against 7

Regardless of the number of decks of cards or the mix of playing rules, the correct playing strategy for a soft 15 is: Hit against a dealer's 2, 3, and 7 through ace. Double down on dealer's 4, 5, and 6.

Do you hit 15 against a 6

16 stands against dealer 2 through 6, otherwise hit. 15 stands against dealer 2 through 6, otherwise hit.

Should you hit 16 against 7

7. Card counters will sometimes stand on 16 against a dealer's 10, but go right on hitting 16 vs. 7. Now, the dealer will bust slightly more often starting with 7 than starting with 10 — 26 percent of the time on 7 as opposed to 23 percent of the time starting with 10.

Do you hit 15 against a 7

Regardless of the number of decks of cards or the mix of playing rules, the correct playing strategy for a soft 15 is: Hit against a dealer's 2, 3, and 7 through ace. Double down on dealer's 4, 5, and 6.

Do you hit a 13 against a 3

13 stands against dealer 2 through 6, otherwise hit. 12 stands against dealer 4 through 6, otherwise hit.

Do you double a 10 against an ace

Things You Should Know

Doubling down is making a bet equal to your initial wager after being dealt your first 2 cards. You only get dealt 1 more card and cannot hit. Double down if your cards total 9, 10, or 11 without an ace. You can also double down if your cards total 16, 17, or 18 when you have an ace.

Do you double 11 against 10

When you double down, you risk losing double your original bet, but with 11 vs. 10, you win double your bet more often, giving you a higher average profit.

What are the odds of busting on 15


Hit on 15 = 58% chance of busting. Hit on 14 = 56% chance of busting. Hit on 13 = 39% chance of busting.

Do you hit a 15 against a 5

16 stands against dealer 2 through 6, otherwise hit. 15 stands against dealer 2 through 6, otherwise hit.

Do you hit 15 against 3

Regardless of the number of decks of cards or the mix of playing rules, the correct playing strategy for a soft 15 is: Hit against a dealer's 2, 3, and 7 through ace. Double down on dealer's 4, 5, and 6.

Do you hit 15 against a 3

16 stands against dealer 2 through 6, otherwise hit. 15 stands against dealer 2 through 6, otherwise hit.

Do you hit 12 against a 5

In other words, more cards will get you to a made hand than will bust your hand. It's true that you should stand on 12 against any dealer's 4, 5, and 6 up card because of the dealer's high bust frequency (40%, 43%, and 42% respectively).

Do you hit 14 against a 4

These are the easiest to remember since there are no discrepancies in the strategy based on decks and dealer rules. Hard 14 is always a stand when the dealer exposes small cards 2 through 6. The player must hit their hard 14 against all other upcards, namely 7 through ace.

Do you hit a 12 against a 4

It's true that you should stand on 12 against any dealer's 4, 5, and 6 up card because of the dealer's high bust frequency (40%, 43%, and 42% respectively). But with a 2 or 3 up card showing, the dealer is not as weak as you think because the bust frequency is lower.

Do you hit 15 against an Ace

Sam says: “Always hit a hard 15 when the dealer's up-card is a 7 through an ace. If you stand on that 15, you will win 25.36 percent of the time and lose 74.64 percent of the time. That makes a net loss of 49.28 percent.

Should I always double down on 11

For most people, particularly those who are newer to blackjack, it's almost always a good idea to double down when you are showing an 11.

Should you always double on 11 in blackjack

For most people, particularly those who are newer to blackjack, it's almost always a good idea to double down when you are showing an 11.

Should you double every 11 on blackjack

Should you Always Double Down on 11 As the player and dealer aim to get as close to 21 as possible in order to win the hand, the player is in a strong position when holding 11 after two cards are dealt. If the dealer is showing a lower card than a 10, it is good strategy to double down.

Should you hit on 16

Never hit your 16.

But you definitely can't beat the dealer if you've busted out. And you'll lose nearly 70% of the time when you hit your 16. Here's the statistics. If you hit on your 16, you'll win 25.23% of the time, push 5.46% of the time, and you will lose 69.31% of the time.

Should you hit on 17

If it's good enough for the dealer, it's the same for players … hitting soft 17 is always better than standing. Therefore, one of the golden rules of smart play is this: No matter what blackjack game you are playing, never stand on soft 17.